NTP-STAG Canada Offers Bursary Programs

NTP-STAG Canada has been a proponent of continuing education in the Canadian RV industry, and with its support, RVDA of Canada is offering two bursary programs in 2021 to RV service technicians and RV fixed operations personnel.
The support and promotion of personal and professional development is a key component of the NTP-STAG core values, the company said.
“Continuing education not only empowers the individual learner with more knowledge and competency, their dealership will also benefit tremendously through the enhanced procedural efficiencies learned and adopted,” said Rob Edwards, director of sales, NTP-STAG Canada.
A total of $12,500 will be awarded to eligible technicians and fixed operations personnel such as service writers, service advisors, and parts and accessories sales staff.
Click here for more info on the 2020-21 NTP-STAG Canada RV Technician Bursary Application
Click here for more info on the 2020-21 RV Fixed Operations Personnel Bursary Application