ObeCo Makes 4,500 PPE Reusable Masks

ObeCo has manufactured and donated 4,500 PPE reusable masks and more than 400 hospital gowns to local health organizations so far.
“We have shut down our regular production and sent our workers home to abide by the state ‘Stay at Home Order,’” said Jason Obendorf, president and owner of ObeCo. “But we have had many of our dedicated employees want to use their professional sewing skills to help in this time of need so we have opened our doors to come in and make the desperately needed PPE masks and gowns.”
ObeCo contacted Ashleigh Newland of the Elkhart County Incident Command who coordinates the distribution of the masks and gowns throughout Elkhart County. Fabric was donated by local businesses through the Command and ObeCo turned them into safety masks and gowns.
“It’s wonderful to see our local community step up and fill in the gap to help our emergency responders and health-care workers,” said Newland. “This is just one more example of what a thoughtful and giving community we have here in Elkhart.”
While most of the masks and gowns made by ObeCo have stayed locally, some have actually gone as far as Charleston, S.C.; Houston, Texas; and Boise, Idaho.
“I just have to give a big shout out to the ObeCo family for coming in during these scary times and focusing their time and effort into making these PPE garments,” said Obendorf. “It’s really humbling to know that when things get tough, my employees step up on their own volition to do what needs to be done to help others.”