Oklahoma RV Business Donates Christmas Party Fund

In lieu of hosting its annual Christmas party for store employees and their families, Floyd’s RV of Norman, Okla., donated its $3,500 party fund to a local nonprofit Friday.
Tina Floyd and her husband, Robert, have given to various nonprofits over their 52 years in the RV business. After deciding to cancel their holiday celebration due to safety concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, Tina said the circumstances provided the perfect opportunity to help a nonprofit.
“I have been working with the Junior League of Norman for years, so they know it’s close to my heart,” Tina said. “My husband called me and said, ‘This is what we were going to do,’ and I thought it was an awesome idea.”
Tina said she was pleased when the entire staff was receptive to the donation.
“My husband and I give when we can, but to know you are reaching other people who are seeing what can be done, that’s what was special to me,” Tina said. “We’ve been blessed, and to bless other families for Christmas is definitely the best gift we can give during these trying and uncertain times.”
Click here to see the full story from Jeff Elkins in the Norman Transcript.
Courtney Floyd, Junior League of Norman president, said the money will help their two community projects: Food for Kids and Baby Steps.