Online Campground Software Tradeshow Underway

One hundred and thirty-five people representing ninety individual campgrounds and RV parks are taking part in a week-long digital tradeshow focused on campground software solutions. Nine providers of software solutions will be leading education sessions, demonstrations, and addressing questions and concerns from the audience.
Taking place online, the tradeshow is free to park operators to join and is accessible at the Spotlight on Software for Outdoor Destinations through April 3 on this Facebook Group.
The presenting software providers are:
- DigitalRez
- ResNexus
- Campground Automation/ Sunrise
- Rover Pass
- Reserve America/ Astra
- RDP (Resort Data Processing)
- New Book
- CampSpot
- RMS North America
“We have a bit more latitude than the associations to test concepts like this,” said Mark Koep, founder and CEO of “This is a program that was requested by park operators and built by us to address their need.”
The Facebook Group includes almost eight hundred people from over four hundred parks discussing the various operational, marketing and business decisions that impact their organizations.
“It is an incredible combination of owners, operators and thought leaders within the industry discussing the topics that are important to them,” said Koep. “Many of the members have not yet visited a physical association trade show. We believe it is important to help improve the overall industry by bringing together sessions like this.”