Organization Offering COVID-Safe Travel Accreditation

Travel COVID Safe is a new three-point accreditation specifically created to rebuild consumer confidence in travel and reactivate the hospitality industry, according to its founders.
By providing a uniform set of health- and hygiene-based protocols, TCS is part of an advocacy accreditation consortium that addresses the lack of standards for COVID-19 safety in the hospitality and tourism industry. TCS said its goal is to help the travel industry win back the confidence of the U.S. traveler by introducing stringent and rigorous health and hygiene standards based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and World Health Organization guidelines that set the minimum requirement for traveler safety.
TCS said that its accreditation is the only certification process that has three points of inspection by three distinct individuals. It has claimed to be the only accreditation that incorporates a coaching process to help the organization get accredited, and the only one that offers ongoing continuous support by alerting the accredited organization of standard changes that could affect operations.
“We are excited to provide a solution that will win back the traveler’s confidence while minimizing COVID-related health risks,” said Terry Suero, executive director of business development for TCS. “All of this is ultimately acting as a catalyst to help reactivate the tourism industry. The only way to start regaining the American traveler’s confidence in travel is by having a unified set of rigorous health standards that are uniform, relatable, and trusted, making travel safer yet still enjoyable. Travel COVID Safe does this precisely. It addresses these concerns with the highest accreditation level while still granting autonomy and evaluating organizations based on globally accepted CDC guidelines. TCS has been developed by Americans for the American traveler and organizations trying to cater to them.”
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