ORR Gears Up for Lame Duck Session

As the 115th Congress prepares to return for a short “lame duck session,” members of the Outdoor Recreation Roundtable’s (ORR) government relations committee are hard at work urging passage of key legislation reflecting ORR’s policy agenda, the organization reported.
ORR members are seeking funding for continuing and expanding the Outdoor Recreation Satellite Account, which measures the economic impact of outdoor recreation, to update the results released in September and to develop state-level assessments.
ORR members are also supporting a comprehensive public lands package that reduces the deferred maintenance backlog for key visitor infrastructure, reduces red tape around sensible land management projects, modernizes fisheries management, expands access to America’s public lands and waterways and reauthorizes the Land and Water Conservation Fund.
In addition, ORR members are pushing for key recreation-friendly provisions – like language calling for investment in outdoor recreation in rural America – to be included in a reauthorized Farm Bill.
Click here for an ORR GR Committee compilation of key “lame duck session” issues.