ORR Showcases LWCF Projects from Across the Outdoor Industry

The Outdoor Recreation Roundtable has released the results of its industry-wide Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) collection survey and named key projects eligible for the $900 million in mandatory annual funding thanks to the passage of the Great American Outdoors Act earlier this year.
ORR put out a call for projects to outdoor recreation partners across the country and the activity spectrum – including state outdoor recreation directors, outdoor businesses and user groups – and received more than 200 responses in two weeks. After evaluating these responses for LWCF eligibility, ORR said it is proud to share an initial list of LWCF-eligible projects that will create access in communities without recreation assets and help build recreation economies at a time when jobs and revitalization through the outdoors is needed most.
“We called on the outdoor industry community to identify projects eligible for LWCF funding that would have tangible recreational and economic impacts in local communities – and they more than met the challenge,” said ORR’s executive director, Jessica Turner. “These initial eleven projects we are highlighting are great examples of the diversity of needs in local communities that will benefit all forms of recreation and recreationists for generations to come. We look forward to engaging with agency partners at the federal and state levels over the next year to get these projects funded and supporting communities and people on the ground.”
The highlighted projects showcase the recreation industry’s scope and opportunity, including:
- Increasing recreation access for diverse user groups (sportsmen, powersports enthusiasts, hikers, boaters, climbers, bikers, RVers and many more);
- Promoting rural economic development by adding value to nearby communities; and
- Enhancing opportunities for underrepresented groups (e.g. Indigenous, Persons of Color, Low-income, Disabled and Immigrants, among others)
The initial list includes:
- The Homestead Climbing Area in Arizona
- The Fishing Pier, Delaware City Branch Channel of the C&D Canal in Delaware
- Restore ATV/Snowmobile Trail from Dollar Bay to Lake Linden in Michigan
- All Abilities Park in New Mexico
- The Bluewater Creek ACEC Acquisition in New Mexico
- The Bryson Park District, Eastview and Westview Parks in Ohio
- Junction City Fishing in Oregon
- Yellowjacket Reservoir Access in Oregon
- The North Delaware River Greenway in Pennsylvania
- Renovating Lakeside Park in Washington
- The Port of Anacortes: Developing the Cap Sante Marina RV Park in Washington
This last project, the only one on the list specifically focused on RV camping, is a $2.3 million project that has been submitted by the Washington Recreation and Conservation Office for National Park Service funding and anticipates full funding in fiscal year 2022.