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Outdoor Participation Research Study Reveals Findings

The Outdoor Foundation (OF) and Outdoor Industry Association (OIA), the longtime authority on outdoor participation research and data, released findings from their 2024 Outdoor Participation Trends Report.

The report provides members of the outdoor industry exclusive participation data and activity insights that will inform business strategies for the year ahead.

The 2024 Outdoor Participation Trends Report shows that the outdoor recreation participation base grew 4.1% in 2023, to a record of 175.8 million participants, a number that represents 57.3% of the United States population. The number of outdoor recreation participants increased across demographics and activities as new, more casual participants began hiking, biking, camping, running and fishing.

Other key findings of the 2024 Outdoor Participation Trends Report include:

“For any business that wants to succeed in today’s competitive marketplace, understanding the evolving consumer base and how they choose to spend their time outdoors is essential knowledge,” said Kent Ebersole, President of OIA. “The data in this report reveals invaluable insights so that our members can strategically grow their business and so that our industry can serve a broader audience of participants and make outdoor recreation even more accessible.”

For over 15 years, the Outdoor Participation Trends Report has served as the most trusted and comprehensive source of insights and narratives around who is doing what in the outdoors — as well as when and how. The Outdoor Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Outdoor Industry Association, funds the research that produces the annual Outdoor Participation Trends Report and publishes the findings in partnership with OIA every year.

“Our report highlights interesting shifts in who’s recreating in the outdoors. While we’re excited to see some increases in participation diversity, there is still more work to be done in order to keep pace with changes in the demographics of the U.S. population,” said Lesford Duncan, Executive Director of Outdoor Foundation. “The findings of this report is a clear call for our outdoor ecosystem, including outdoor industry and public sector efforts, to work together to increase participation by prioritizing representation and inclusion in design, marketing, programming, outreach, and advocacy.”

The 2024 report reflects data gathered during the 2023 calendar year. While the executive summary of the report is available to the public, the full report is available exclusively to OIA members and Outdoor Foundation partners.

 The Outdoor Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the Outdoor Industry Association, is a national 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to getting people outside for their health, the health of communities and the health of the outdoor industry. Visit for more information.

 Based in Boulder, Colorado, with offices in Washington, D.C., Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) is a catalyst for meaningful change. A member-based collective, OIA is a passionate group of business leaders, climate experts, policy makers and outdoor enthusiasts committed to sustainable economic growth and climate positivity while protecting – and growing access to – the benefits of the outdoors for everyone. For more information, visit

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