Planned Florida Camping World Hits Snag

Camping World will need to resolve traffic issues with St. Lucie County, Fla., schools before it can build a store on Jenkins Road near Wawa and Chick-fil-A, according to minutes of a May 8 city Planning Board meeting.
This story by Keona Gardner originally appeared in the TC Palm.
The camping retail giant wants to build an 80,241-square-foot retail store on undeveloped land at 2191 S. Jenkins Road, north of Samuel Gaines K-8 School.
The proposed store, which would be the size of two Walmart Neighborhood Market stores, could cause traffic backups if the turning lanes on Jenkins are reduced by 200 feet, said St. Lucie schools Growth-Management Director Marty Sanders.
Camping World representative Bradley Currie said the length of turning lanes meets the minimum requirements set by Florida Department of Transportation.
But, Sanders said, the minimum standards are inadequate when considering the traffic from school buses, parents picking up students and customers turning into Camping World.
Both Sanders and Currie told the Planning Board that they would work to resolve the issue.
The Planning Board recommended the City Commission approve the project, which is to be discussed at its June 4 meeting.