Plans for Genesis Products Expansion Move Forward

Plans for the construction of a new Genesis Products facility on the city’s south side took a step forward Tuesday during a meeting of the Goshen Redevelopment Commission.
At the meeting, commission members approved a request by Becky Hutsell, redevelopment director for the city, for permission to solicit bids for the construction of stormwater infrastructure along Southside Park Court needed in order for the construction of a new manufacturing plant for Genesis Products to proceed. The company supplies laminated panels, wood components and custom molded products for the RV, manufactured housing, transportation and other industries.
“Earlier this year, a potential project was presented to the commission to participate in a stormwater connection along Southside Park Court to allow for the construction of a new facility for Genesis Products along with the development of several other vacant parcels on both Kercher Road and Eisenhower Drive South,” Hutsell said of the request. “These properties are located within the Kercher wellfield capture zone, which prohibits any infiltration of stormwater into the ground and requires connection into other systems.
“The existing systems within close range to these lots are all at capacity,” she added. “The commission supported development of a plan that would install controlled release stormwater connections to the existing stormwater main in Kercher Road.”
Hutsell noted that as the project has developed, Genesis Products has purchased two additional lots on Southside Park Court, as well as the vacant parcel on Kercher Road, and desires to complete the full build-out for its Goshen campus.
To read more from John Kline at The Goshen News, click here.