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Powerboat Registrations Up Slightly in August

Registrations in the main powerboat categories grew 0.8 percent in August versus the same month last year, but were still down 5.1 percent year-to-date in those high-volume segments, according to Soundings Trade Only, a marine trade publication.

However, data from Statistical Surveys, which accounted for 26 early-reporting states and approximately 48 percent of the overall U.S. market, did not include Florida, as the state continues to face challenges gathering registration data. The company said this omission could skew the initial results.

By August, the industry has a good handle on overall registrations for the year, since historically about 78 percent of sales are made by that month; however, omitting Florida means there could be room for fluctuation, said Stat Surveys Director Ryan Kloppe.

“If Florida has a good month, obviously that can steer an upward trend,” Kloppe told Trade Only Today. “As far as making predictions, I would wait to see. You’ve got to see Florida, which will hopefully be in by next month when they catch up.”

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