Powerboat Sales Leap in September

New powerboat sales picked up in September after a slowdown in July and August that followed record growth in June, according to new data by the National Marine Manufacturers Association.
New boat sales were up 22 percent over August (compared to the same month last year) and up 9 percent year to date compared to 2019.
The month ranks as the second highest single-month total of new powerboats sold in more than a decade.
“New powerboat retail sales are strong across the board, from the high-volume small fishing boat and pontoon segments that account for nearly half of all new boat sales, to the wake sport and offshore fishing segments,” said NMMA business intelligence director Vicky Yu in a statement. “We expect to close out 2020 with more than 300,000 new boats sold – levels the industry hasn’t seen since before the Great Recession in 2008-2009.”
Click here for the full story from Reagan Haynes, as well as a chance to read the entire report, in Trade Only Today.