Preliminary Determinations In Aluminum Extrusion Countervailing Duty Investigation Announced

This report appeared on the website.
On March 5, the Department of Commerce announced its preliminary determinations in the countervailing duty investigations on aluminum extrusions from China, Indonesia, Mexico and Turkey. These determinations included subsidy rates applicable to most exporters of subject merchandise from these four countries, and U.S. Customs and Border Protection will begin collecting cash deposits at these rates from U.S. importers of these extrusions beginning on the day that the preliminary determinations are published, which should occur in approximately one week.
In terms of scope, as part of the preliminary countervailing duty determinations, the department made a few minor revisions, but these do not change the scope in a meaningful way. However, the department stated that it intends to provide interested parties with an opportunity to comment on certain proposed modifications to the scope that the petitioners have presented, and that the department will address these comments and determine whether to adopt any of the proposed modifications by no later than May 1, 2024, which is the date of the preliminary determinations in the antidumping duty investigations. Thus, we will not know whether there will be any significant changes to the scope of the investigations for roughly two more months.
The subsidy rates announced today in the four preliminary determinations can be found here. Some of these rates are company-specific and apply to imports of subject merchandise that was produced or exported by the named company; for imports of subject merchandise from the specified country but from a producer or exporter that is not identified specifically, the “All Others” rate would apply.
Importers of aluminum extrusions that were produced by or exported from a company whose subsidy rate is identified below as “de minimis” do not need to make a cash deposit at this time. Consequently, to the extent that RV Industry Association (RVIA) members are sourcing products within the scope of the investigations from one of these countries, one of the subsidy rates listed here will apply to those imports beginning on the date of publication of the preliminary determination, unless the imports are from one of the “de minimis” producers/exporters.