PRVCA Elects Officers and Board Members at Annual Meeting

The Pennsylvania Recreation Vehicle and Camping Association (PRVCA) announced the election of two new officers and the re-election of seven board members during its virtual annual meeting on Tuesday.

Tim Umstead, TruMark Dealer Services, Spring City, Pa., will serve as chairman of the board for a two-year term. Umstead has more than 20 years of experience in the RV industry. He is a co-founder of Trumark Dealer Services and has more than 30 years of experience in the financial services industry. His service to the association spans many years. He previously served as chairman, vice chairman, secretary, finance director, legislative committee chairman and show committee member.
Bill D’Andrea, Family Camping Outlet, Stowe, Pa., is the newly elected vice chairman of the PRVCA board of directors. D’Andrea and his family have owned and operated Family Camping Outlet since 1980. He serves as general manager of the dealership and has earned numerous certificates, including Master Certified Technician. He previously served as a rolling stock director.

Association members re-elected three rolling stock directors. They are Nick Boyer, Boyer’s RV, Erie, Pa.; Stephanie Reeder, Lerch RV, Milroy, Pa.; and Brad Rhone, Rhone’s RV, Cogan Station, Pa. In addition, Beverly Gruber, Pennsylvania Campground Owners Association, was re-elected as campground director; Nick Palm, Tiffin Motorhomes, was re-elected as senior manufacturer director; Rocky Riley, Athens Park Model/Champion Homes; as park model manufacturer director; and Dan Saltzgiver, Camping World of Hanover, as at-large director.
Other members of the PRVCA board of directors are: Mike Bradley, DSC Financial Services, secretary; Ed Flick, retired, Fulton Bank, treasurer; Greg Starr, Starr’s Trailer Sales, past chairman; Steve Fretz, Fretz RV, show chairman; Brad Bryant, Bryant’s RV Showcase, rolling stock director; Steve Beyeler, Forest River, manufacturer director; Ryan Eash, at-large director; Mike T. Keller, Keller Marine and RV, at-large director; Richard Hart, Richard Hart Insurance Group, insurance director; and John Roba, JR Products, supplier director.
Also, as part of its annual conference, being held virtually this year, three awards were presented this week.

PRVCA Executive Director Heather Leach presented John Roba, JR Products, with the Rebecca Lenington Volunteer of the Year Award for 2020. Peers in the RV industry nominate the volunteers for the award, which is named for retired long-time PRVCA Executive Vice President Rebecca Lenington.
“John has been involved with PRVCA for over 30 years, whether it was serving on the board or a committee,” said PRVCA Executive Director Heather Leach. “When I stepped into the role of executive director, John spearheaded the strategic planning initiative and he has been an avid supporter of our education program. He is instrumental in making the association better for our members and for all those reasons we are pleased to present him with the Rebecca Lenington Volunteer of the Year Award.”
“I am truly honored and humbled,” Roba said. “Everyone knows the how much association has meant to me over the years. It’s been such a joy to be involved. Such a great group of people to be involved with. It’s been a highlight of my career. It really has been.”
The Education Award was renamed the Gary Bunzer Education Award for industry consultant, speaker and trainer Gary Bunzer, who died from COVID-19 complications in April.

“Gary Bunzer was part of the PRVCA family and this is just a small way to honor his memory,” Leach said.
Jon Jones, service manager, Susquehanna Valley RV, accepted the award on behalf of his company, who attended the most PRVCA education training. The dealership had 21 staff members attend nine different training sessions.
Greg Starr, Starr’s Trailer Sales, completed his two-year term as chairman and Leach presented him with an award for his service.

“I want to thank Greg for his leadership over the past two years and especially this last year which was a little challenging. We really appreciate his guidance and support.”
PRVCA has a YouTube channel where its annual meeting can be viewed. That is here.