PRVCA to Provide Leadership Development Education at Conference

Technology, time management and the Millennial workforce will be the focus of the Pennsylvania RV and Camping Association’s (PRVCA) first leadership conference on Jan. 29 at Spooky Nook Sports, Manheim, Pa.
“We’re excited to bring in experts on these timely topics for our first Leadership Conference,” said PRVCA Executive Director Heather Leach. “We hope companies will send their staff members to develop their leadership knowledge and to meet others in the industry.”
“Leadership 2020: Your Toolkit to Success,” scheduled for 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 29, will include husband-and-wife speakers Christina and Greg Merriweather to present sessions on technology and time management.
Christina Merriweather, an educator, speaker, writer and personal organization and productivity strategist, will present “ReTOOLing Your Business for Success: How to Leverage Technology to Work Smarter and Accomplish More” at 9 a.m. The workshop will teach attendees how to leverage technology such as Mailchimp, Acuity and SendHub to schedule appointments and automate communications with customers. She will also share tips on communicating effectively with team members to minimize internal email inbox overload by using tools such as Google Docs, Skype and Slack. She will also explain how to use project management apps, such as Asana to assign and manage team projects.
Greg Merriweather, founder and CEO of Maximus Strategic Group, a full-service finance, operations, leadership and marketing firm, will discuss time management and how to get work done with the same amount of time as everyone else. He’ll introduce the habits and practices that will enable attendees to maximize their days. He’ll also explain how to focus on what matters most while getting the most out of your time. The Time Management session will run at 10:15 a.m.
The keynote address, “Bridging the Gap: Seven Strategies to Engage Millennials,” will focus on emerging generational trends, including how to engage, manage and retain the Millennial generation. Gabrielle Bosche of The Millennial Solution is a bestselling author of four books focusing on her generation. Her keynote address from noon to 4 p.m. will provide hands-on practical skills to bridge the generation gap and provide proven best practices to market and retain the next generation of clients. It will also help attendees prepare the next generation of management.
The conference is free for all PRVCA members. Those interested can register here. Non-members are also welcomed to attend for a fee or join the association to receive all the membership benefits. Please register by Jan. 15.