RECVEX Exceeds 250 Wholesale Units

RECVEX recently surpassed more than 250 listings for wholesale units. Dealers interested in units can contact RECVEX in order to see the listings go live on the site. RECVEX is a no-cost to sell, low-cost to buy alternative to buying and selling wholesale RVs, according to the company.
The nationwide private wholesale group has worked with its early adopters to fine-tune the platform, and to collect more than 250 listings that dealers want to sell.
RECVEX offers users to buy and sell in a strictly business-to-business wholesale marketplace that doesn’t punish users for having non-performing pieces. Those interested can register, list, and sell a unit free of charge. Below are some sample images of what listings will look like.
To get a list of available pieces, or to add distressed inventory to the list, e-mail or call 833-350-5189.
To get your name and email added to the weekly RECVEX listings email, contact