Report: RV Shipments Will Rebound

As part of its summer 2020 RV RoadSigns newsletter, the RV Industry Association has included a report that predicts RV shipments will rebound through the summer, following the shutdown in RV manufacturing that occurred from late March through early May.
According to Dr. Richard Curtin, research associate professor at the University of Michigan’s Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, RV wholesale shipments will range from 340,900 units to 302,300 units this year with the most likely final total being 321,600 units.
Towable RV shipments are anticipated to range 308,800 to 273,300 units with a most likely total of 290,800 units for the year. Motorhome shipments are projected to span 32,600 to 29,000 units with a most likely total of 30,800 units.
Curtin, who is the exclusive researcher RVIA uses for this report, believes that RV shipments will be both constrained by the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic and benefit from the reputation that RVs provide a secure travel environment for families to enjoy outdoor recreation. Low interest rates also will benefit RV dealers and consumers.
He also notes that the pandemic has significantly transformed people’s travel and recreational preferences. While the shift in preferences will generally benefit RV purchases, it will not favor some standard uses of RVs, such as at jamborees, at sports and racing events, and the like. It will bolster a broader interest in RVs, however, across a wide range of other recreational and travel activities.
The link to the 2020 RV RoadSigns is here, but you must be an RVIA member to view it.