REV Group Releases 2022 Corporate Sustainability Report

REV Group has released its 2022 Corporate Sustainability Report, which shares the company’s progress and continued commitment across Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) priorities.
REV Group manufactures specialty vehicles in the fire and emergency, commercial and recreation industries.
“We began our sustainability journey in 2019 with our first report, and now four years later, we’ve made improvements and are advancing on the road ahead,” said Rod Rushing, president and CEO of REV Group. “We are committed to improving the quality of life for our customers and communities by fulfilling our priorities as an industry leader and champion of sustainability and safety.”
REV Group’s Sustainability Report 2022 highlights:
- Confirmed the Board’s Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee has been assigned responsibility for oversight of the company’s ESG program, solidifying a strategy of ESG commitment and accountability
- Published its Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) and Human Rights policies that govern and provide guiding principles for each of its 18 manufacturing sites
- Launched advanced zero-emission, alternative fuel solutions for its mass transit bus, school bus, ambulance, fire and terminal truck companies that help minimize their environmental impact
- Reduced energy use and related GHG emissions over FY2021, following improved operational efficiencies
- Expanded data and reporting to provide greater understanding of environmental footprint, allowing for more targeted plans to reduce GHG emissions, water use and waste generation in 2023
- Supported the communities where REV Group manufacturers operate with volunteering and monetary donations to more than 75 local charities
To view REV Group’s 2022 Corporate Sustainability Report and previous reports, visit REV Group Sustainability and Community.