Rollick Surveys 2,000 Boat Owners

Rollick has released the results from their recent survey of more than 2,000 boat owners across 16 boat and engine manufacturers. The complete results will be revealed in Rollick’s webinar at 12:30 p.m. MT today: “OEM – Dealer – Consumer: How to Make the Love Last in the Marine Industry.”
Rollick’s study put a microscope on long-term satisfaction by looking at customer data from boat or engine owners who have had the same brand for at least 3 to 7 years. Rollick analyzed the initial customer satisfaction data of more than 2,000 boat and engine customers during the first year of ownership, then re-surveyed the customers asking, “Based on your original purchase and the level of satisfaction you have, how would you rate the level of satisfaction now, with the brand and dealer?”
The results found that, depending on the type of marine brand, 20 to 30 percent of customers who have a declining satisfaction score (below 80 percent satisfied) after dealer service, also drop their overall satisfaction rating of the boat brand by 20 points or more, thus opening the door to possible brand and dealer defections.
“With the work we do for the NMMA Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) program, we measure and analyze customer satisfaction feedback from over 100,000 boat owners annually, so we wanted to take our findings to the next level,” said Jeff Coffman, senior VP of enterprise solutions and marketing for Rollick. “By understanding how boat owners feel about their brand and dealer 3 to 7 years after purchase, we are able to help OEMs and dealers better engage consumers after the sale, with the intent of creating loyal and happy customers who are more likely to recommend and repurchase.”
A few takeaways from the survey showed that:
- OEM and dealer success are intertwined, so pre- and post-sales management of the customer must be managed equally by both the OEM and dealer.
- OEMs may be able to rebound from a product problem, but it is much more difficult for a brand to overcome a dealer service problem.
- Protected dealer territories may give a sense of security, but in fact, it is detrimental to the OEM, especially if the consumer does not like that brand’s dealer.
- Customer satisfaction must be measured more quickly, frequently and over a longer period of ownership. Every service or product problem begins to erode consumer confidence in the brand and/or dealer and once confidence erodes, defection from the brand, dealer, and lifestyle begins.
To learn more about the research and see actionable ways you can improve the long-term ownership experience, register here for the special webinar presentation.