RV Care Adds Five Dealerships to Network

Several new dealerships have joined Canada’s RV Care Network.
“We’re very excited and pleased to announce the addition of five RV Care members to our national network so far this year, bringing our total membership number to 75 locations across the country,” said Derek Paterson, VP of sales and marketing. “The recent departure of Lardners Trailer Sales in Saskatoon, from our group, opened the door for not only a strong replacement, but equally the opportunity to increase our footprint in Saskatchewan.”
Joining the RV Care Network in the province are four family-run dealerships with long-standing tenure in each of their respective communities. Minard’s Leisure World, in Weyburn, who joined earlier in the year, Kehoe RV, in Saskatoon, Sunridge RV, in Radisson, and Frank Dunn RV Sales in Prince Albert. That moves the total presence in Saskatchewan to 4 dealerships.
In May of this year, Runners RV in Cranbrook, British Columbia, was welcomed into the network as well.
“Minard’s Leisure World and Runners RV, shortly after becoming members, were added to our Northern Spirit group and we were equally pleased to welcome and authorize Get-A-Way RV in Abbotsford, British Columbia, as our 32nd authorized Northern Spirit dealer,” said Paterson. “Our plan for Saskatchewan, is to have two, possibly three, authorized dealers in the province, so with one confirmed, (Minard’s) and the addition of our new RV Care members, the opportunity to attain our objectives is within range.”
The RV Care Network has been a part of the Canadian RV landscape since 1999.