RV Industry Association Receives Dept. of Commerce Award

The U.S. Dept. of Commerce has announced the RV Industry Association has received its third Market Development Cooperator Program (MDCP) award for the period 2021 through 2023.
Sponsored by the Department of Commerce in a competitive process, the RVIA’s MDCP award includes$300,000and technical assistance from the International Trade Administration (ITA) to support the association’s efforts in international markets.
“We are thrilled to continue our long-standing partnership with ITA to work together to prevent standards and other trade barriers from locking U.S. RV products out of foreign markets,” said Craig Kirby, RVIA president. “During this third MDCP award, we will continue to build on our significant progress towards a more open and reasonable regulatory environment for U.S. RV exports.”
The MDCP award establishes a partnership between ITA and the RV Industry Association. The RVIA received two earlier MDCP awards for the period of 2012 through 2018 and is currently under an extension of its last award through year-end 2020. Under the MDCP, the association has been working to overcome regulatory obstacles to U.S. exports to China, South Korea and Japan. The association’s goal is to make sure that U.S. RV products are not locked out of the markets due to compliance and unfair trade practices.
The RVIA is also active at the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) in an effort to prevent motor vehicle standards promoted by the UN body from effectively locking U.S. RV products out of the many countries around the globe that adopt UNECE standards.
“This Market Development Cooperator Program grant is an investment that can deliver major results for our local manufacturers and create jobs for Hoosiers,” said Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.). “It will allow the RV Industry Association to continue its work to ensure American RV manufacturers are not locked out of foreign markets due to regulatory restrictions or unfair trade practices. About 85 percent of the nation’s RVs are built in northern Indiana and boosting exports of these made-in-America products will further drive economic growth in our communities. I’m grateful for the Trump administration’s commitment to strengthening this all-American industry, and I couldn’t be more excited for this opportunity to take northern Indiana’s leadership in RV manufacturing to the next level.”