RV Learning Center Launches Online Course for Parts Specialists

The Mike Molino RV Learning Center has launched a brand-new online course for parts specialists. The new course will help front line dealership fixed operations professionals handle service after the sale as the industry deals with the record number of first-time buyers. The online course is priced at $150 per student and is an ideal way to prepare for parts specialist certification through the RV Learning Center, which is available for an additional fee.
The Parts Specialist online course will provide instruction on:
- Store merchandising
- Inventory management
- Online sales
- Seasonal promotions
- Over-the-counter sales
- Marketing parts and accessories
The training includes assessments to track progress throughout the course. Pilot testers for the training included experienced and new parts specialists and both groups were enthusiastic about the training contained in this new program.
One parts manager said, “This was very informative, and I was able to pick back up where I left off when I had to close the program. I believe it will help my employees. It reinforces practices we train on.”
The RV Learning Center offers five fixed operations training and certification programs that will help the RV industry improve its ability to support customers. All these educational efforts are geared toward helping the industry improve its record on Repair Event Cycle Time (RECT). Developed in partnership with The Ohio State University’s Center for Education and Training for Employment, the instructional materials help RV service management, parts, and warranty employees increase efficiency and reduce RECT.
More information about the various types of training can be found here.