RV Learning Center Offers New Parts Manager Course

The Mike Molino RV Learning Center has added to its curriculum geared at helping dealers and fixed operations professionals meet the needs of a new generation of customers.
In addition to its recent Parts Specialist Online Course, the RV Learning Center has added a Parts Manager Online Course designed to help professionals build the foundation they need to be successful. Parts managers should consider taking both courses to benefit from being reminded of core principles necessary to create loyal customers.
Learning modules in the parks manager course include:
- Managing customer relations
- Managing human resources (two modules)
- Managing financial resources
Learning modules in the parks specialist course include:
- Store merchandising
- Inventory management
- Online sales
- Seasonal promotions
- Over-the-counter sales
- Marketing parts and accessories
All course materials are structured around the comprehensive RV parts specialist and parts manager job and task analysis developed by the Ohio State University’s Center on Education and Training for Employment, in conjunction with RV industry subject matter experts organized by the RV Learning Center. Fully interactive and easy to navigate, the courses offer audio voice over and numerous progress checks. Each course concludes with a timed, comprehensive final assessment.
Each online course is priced at $150 per student and is an ideal way to prepare for parts specialist and manager certification through the RV Learning Center, which is available for an additional fee.
“The RV Learning Center offers five fixed operations training and certification programs that will help the RV industry improve its ability to support customers,” said RVDA President Phil Ingrassia. “All these educational efforts are geared toward helping the industry improve its record on Repair Event Cycle Time (RECT).”