RV/MH Hall of Fame Seeks Donors for New Addition

Fresh off creating the new manufactured housing wing at the RV/MH Hall of Fame and Museum, its management has announced a planned, new 38,000-square-foot event center that will be used to host a wide variety of industry-related events.

“In combination with the current 17,000-square-foot Ingram Hall and the 21,000-square-foot Peter Orthwein Pavilion, the future facility brings the Hall of Fame’s total square footage of indoor, climate–controlled event spaces to 76,000 square feet,” wrote the Hall’s management. “This addition will be the final phase for the development of the Hall of Fame’s campus and can be built by 2022 with your help.”
Hall of Fame President Darryl Searer said: “There are numerous benefits this facility will offer to the industries and community. First, the Elkhart Open House Supplier’s Show will be ensured for many years to come with a greatly increased availability for exhibitors to show under one roof. Second, the facility will be far more adequate to host large industry and community events that the existing spaces cannot currently support. This will come with an overall increase of resources for events such as break out rooms, storage capacity, refreshment areas, restrooms, etc. Lastly, greater convenience in set ups and tear downs due to more outlet points and garage doors that are thoughtfully placed. Overall, the benefits of this facility will be ample.”
The nonprofit Hall has announced donation levels for the new addition from $2,500, for copper, to platinum-level for $100,000. There’s even a benefactor level for $250,000.
“Five years ago, the city of Elkhart paid for a professional study to assess what this facility would mean to the city,” said Searer. “The consensus was overwhelmingly in favor after considering all of the benefits for the community, the industries that support this community and the Hall of Fame.”
Donate at the website: https://www.rvmhhalloffame.org/neweventcenter/ If interested in discussing this opportunity further, please contact Searer at 574-903-3850, by email at dlsearer@aol.com or Ryan Szklarek at 574-360-9789 or ryansniec@gmail.com.