RV Nomads Release Two Free Resources

Full-time RV nomad Tara Sage, 43, and her partner Carl and their dog Cosmo, recently released two free resources to help RVers curious about RV living.
The free training video “3 Simple Strategies to Get Started With Nomadic Living” can be found here. Sample chapters of the e-book 10 Things RV Dealerships Don’t Tell You About Nomadic Living include tips, tricks, and insights to get RVers’ wheels turning.
“Only people who are actively living the RV lifestyle should be advising others on how to do it,” said Sage. “Dealerships sell RVs – that’s their expertise. It’s not their job to tell you how to fit it into your lifestyle. After 15 years in the coaching industry and a lifetime of travel, it’s quite literally, my job. I created these free resources to help make this information available to anyone who’s eager, or even just curious, about RV living and wandering.”
Sage’s book and her video training shed light on not only the real stories from people who are living as digital nomads, but also the everyday practical aspects RVers need to know, like what to bring and what not to bring on your journey, 50 ways to make money on the road, membership club tips and recommendations, and more.