RV Professional Certification Week is March 11-17

The week of March 11-17 has been designated RV Professional Certification Week by the Society of Certified RV Professionals and the Mike Molino RV Learning Center.
“This week is about recognizing your certified professionals by celebrating their achievements and encouraging others to begin the process of certification through the RVDA-RVIA Tech Certification Program or the RV Learning Center’s parts and service management certification programs,” said RVDA President Phil Ingrassia.
Fixed?ops professionals can earn certification as parts managers, parts specialists, service writers/advisors, service managers, and warranty administrators through the Mike Molino RV Learning Center, which offers testing, certification, and recertification.
The center’s credentials were developed by experts at The Ohio State University’s Center for Education and Training for Employment and a team of top?performing, demographically diverse working professionals. Suppliers, distributors, dealer owners, and manufacturers were also involved in developing the programs. Dealers can learn more about professional certification and training opportunities available for fixed operations staff on the RV Learning Center website at www.rvlearningcenter.com.
Established in 1993, the tech certification program is administered by RVDA and RVIA under the auspices of the RV Service Technician Certification Governing Board.
The RVDA-RVIA RV Service Technician Certification Program identifies service professionals who have demonstrated the knowledge and ability to satisfy established standards in RV diagnostic and repair procedures. Technicians begin with the Registered Technician test and, if successful, can move up to take the Certified Technician test. Technician certification and training information is available online at www.rvtechnician.com.