RV PRO’s eNewsletter Now Deploying at 4 p.m. ET

Today marks the start of the first week in which RV PRO has switched to an afternoon deployment for its daily eNewsletter. With this change, the eNewsletter now deploys at 2 p.m. local Mountain Standard Time, 4 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. (Previously, the eNewsletter deployed at 10 a.m. MST, noon EST.)
“We made this decision after a lot of consideration,” said Chris Cieto, RV PRO publisher, noting that readers and advertisers were consulted for their input on the change. “We believe this later deployment time will allow us to better serve our readers and gather more information and context on stories that we publish.”
Cieto noted that RV PRO conducted a trial run of afternoon eNewsletter deployments in late August, which drew similar web traffic to morning deployment eNewsletter and was received well by the industry.