RV Techs and Inspectors Websites Made More User-Friendly

The RV Technician Association of America (RVTAA) and the National RV Inspectors Association (NRVIA) have announced that changes they have made to their online locators will make it easier for people to connect with RV inspectors and technicians.
Multiple changes were made to each association’s website in recent months. The biggest improvement was to the locator feature which appears on each site’s home page, said Gilda Mitchell, director of membership benefits for both NRVIA and RVTAA.
“People use locators to find a registered or certified RV technician near them, or to find a certified RV inspector near an RV they would like inspected,” she explained. “We made the changes to better help people find professionals who can provide the type and quality of service they desire.”
For example, the RVTAA website now allows people to narrow searches based on a technician’s ability to diagnose and repair Lippert, Dometic, Aqua-Hot and Splendide equipment as well as those who specialize in servicing RV generators or installing solar systems. People can also search for technicians who are registered, certified or master certified.
On the NRVIA website, people seeking RV inspections can see the locations of master certified and certified RV inspectors.
“Both types of inspectors have been through extensive training; however, master certified RV inspectors are NRVIA members who have excelled both in their inspection businesses and within the RV industry as contributors,” said Renee Wynsma, director of administration for both NRVIA and RVTAA. “They have paved the way for new and less experienced members to jump into a growing new sector of mobile inspection experts within the RV industry.”
On both sites, consumers can click on a specific locator pin to view more information about any business and read the technician’s or inspector’s profile.
The changes were part of an extensive overhaul of both association websites to make them more useful tools, said Mitchell.