RV Women’s Alliance Presents Career Navigation Workshop

The RV Women’s Alliance is committed to fostering the next generation of women leaders in the industry. On Thursday, Oct. 28, the RV Women’s Alliance will host its second educational workshop focused on helping women navigate their career in the RV industry.

This workshop will feature an outstanding group of women who have successfully navigated their careers in the industry, including keynote speaker Chandria Harris, CEO & Founder of Hire Cultures; and panelists Debbie Brunoforte, CEO and Owner of Little Dealers, Little Prices; Susan Carpenter, president of the RV Women’s Alliance and Aftermarket Manager for B&B Molders; and Renee Jones, head of marketing for THOR Industries. These women will draw on their experiences to share actionable insights for other women who are looking to make the most of their careers in this industry.
This free virtual event is open to all RV Women’s Alliance members. Anyone who is not yet a member, is encouraged to join here to attend the event.
Navigating Your Career in The RV Industry Workshop: noon – 2 p.m. ET, on Thursdasy, Oct. 28. Members register here.