RVDA Approves RECT Plan, Increases Dues by $150

The RV Dealers Association board of directors has approved a revised strategic plan that places renewed emphasis on supporting industry efforts to improve the parts and service supply chain and improve the industry’s repair event cycle time (RECT).
Three major dealer management software (DMS) providers are at various stages of getting permission from their RV dealer customers to collect RECT data as part of the industry’s effort to reduce the amount of time it takes between when a customer drops off his RV for repairs, and when the repairs are complete.
Once a sufficient number of dealers agree to participate, more testing will be done to verify the accuracy of the reports so the DMS providers could, eventually, provide monthly aggregate, brand-specific data to dealers and manufacturers that they could use to identify where and how they could work together to reduce repair event cycle times.
The RVDA board of directors also approved a $3.79 million-dollar consolidated budget for RVDA, the RV Assistance Corp., and the Mike Molino RV Learning Center.
The budget includes increased investment in advocacy programs, including the association’s involvement in the Outdoor Recreation Roundtable, which is working on public campground infrastructure and development issues on federal and state lands. It also includes funding for fixed operations certification and training programs that are critical for improving RECT at the dealership.
To fund this additional investment in dealer employee education, the board approved increasing dues over the next two fiscal years by $150 for individual dealer members effective with renewals starting Aug. 1. This is the first dues increase in 10 years.
The next RVDA board of delegates meeting will be held Nov. 11 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.
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