RVDA Board Boosts RECT Initiatives, Approves $4.1M Budget

The RV Dealers Association (RVDA) Board of Directors approved several programs to support the industry’s Repair Event Cycle Time (RECT) initiative during its meeting on June 7 in Washington, D.C.
RVDA is forming dealer task forces to provide feedback on RECT reporting features that are provided by Dealer Management Software (DMS) providers. RECT reporting provides information that can help dealers identify and remove bottlenecks in their service and parts departments.
To improve service management efficiency and RECT performance, the Mike Molino RV Learning Center is also preparing to add an online parts training program to complement service writer/advisor training that is currently available. The program is entering a pilot phase and is scheduled for launch in the third quarter of 2022.
Support for RECT programs, as well as new advocacy initiatives designed to implement the RV industry’s model franchise law and protect dealers’ ability to offer F&I products, are part of the board-approved $4.1 million fiscal year 2023 consolidated budget for RVDA, the RV Learning Center and the association’s for-profit subsidiary, the RV Assistance Corp.
The board also clarified that employees of regular members that work at branch dealership locations may serve on the RVDA Board of Delegates. State delegate elections will be held prior to the RVDA Annual Meeting in November. The Board of Delegates and Board will meet on Nov. 7 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas in conjunction with the RV Dealers Convention/Expo.