RVDA Celebrates 30 Years of XtraRide Service Contract Program

RVDA and the Asset Protection division of Protective Life Insurance are celebrating the 30th year of the association’s exclusive endorsement of the XtraRide RV Service contract program.
The XtraRide program enhances dealer profitability while providing quality protection for motorhome and travel trailer buyers. Protective underwrites, administers and markets its own service contract programs.
“RVDA is pleased to exclusively endorse a program that provides peace of mind for RV owners, dealers, and their employees,” said RVDA President Phil Ingrassia. “The quality of the XtraRide program has earned the RVDA endorsement for its outstanding coverage, excellent customer service, strong agent network and its long-term commitment to the RV industry.”
In addition to its ongoing support of RVDA through the exclusive endorsement, Protective is a leader in continuing education for RV dealers and their employees through partnerships with the RV Dealers Convention/Expo and as a major contributor to the Mike Molino RV Learning Center.
“We are very pleased with our long-term relationship that has been beneficial for RVDA and our dealer partners, as well as Protective and our experienced agents,” said Bill Koster, vice president of specialty products for Protective.