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RVDA Con/Expo Speaker To Discuss De-Escalation & Employee Retention

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The RV Dealers Association (RVDA) announced Sara Jeckovich, peacebuilder consultant of Pollack Peacebuilding Systems, will be presenting two education workshops and a half-day course covering de-escalating tense situations and keeping a peaceful work environment for dealership professionals during the 2024 RV Dealers Convention/Expo.

At 1:15 p.m. Nov. 12 and repeated at 8 a.m. Nov. 14, Jeckovich will cover “Peaceful Leaders & Retaining Employees” as part of the fixed operations education track.

Learning objectives:


Jeckovich will introduce an innovative approach to leadership, which emphasizes fostering productive and cohesive teams. The Peaceful Leadership model is built around recognizing that if leaders want to retain employees, it’s important for everyone to feel appreciated, included, encouraged and safe.

Then, at 11:30 a.m. Nov. 14, Jeckovich will lead the two-hour super session “De-Escalation Interactive Workshop: A Deep Dive” in the fixed operations education track.

Learning objectives for this super session include:

For an additional fee, attendees can join Jeckovich at 8 a.m. Nov. 12 as she presents the half-day leadership development course “Giving Feedback” — sponsored by Gulf Stream Coach. Attendance is limited to 50 participants.

Good feedback builds trust, improves performance and promotes a more peaceful and productive workplace.

Learning objectives for this session:

To register for the 2024 RV Dealers Convention/Expo, click here. Regular updates will be posted on the convention website, Instagram, LinkedIn and X.

The event is sponsored by RVDA of the U.S., RVDA of Canada and the Mike Molino RV Learning Center. Companies interested in partnership, sponsorship and exhibiting can contact Julie Newhouse at (703) 364-5518 or email

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