RVDA Seeking Nominees for the James B. Summers Award

The RV Dealers Association’s board of directors established the James B. Summers Award more than 30 years ago in honor of past RVDA Executive Vice President and CEO Jim Summers, who was the first to receive it in 1986. This is the association’s most prestigious award, as it honors an individual who has made frequent and distinguished contributions to RVDA and its members.
The RVDA is once again seeking nominees for this award. The candidate should have provided at least five years of service with and for RVDA and given outstanding contributions to RVDA and its members. One of the few restrictions to winning this award states that the nominee may not be a current elected member of the RVDA Board of Directors.
To nominate an individual, the RVDA requests that submitters provide a narrative describing the the nominee’s contributions to the association.
The award will be presented during the RV Dealers Convention/Expo, Nov. 9 to 13 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. Nominations are due by July 28. Nominations should be submitted to Ronnie Hepp today, via e-mail or fax, to rhepp@rvda.org or 703-591-0734.
To review the list of past winners, click here.