RVDA Urges Action in Advance of House Vote Thursday

The RV Dealers Association and a broad coalition of national trade groups are urging congressional leaders to make changes to the SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program that would provide more flexibility to participating small businesses. As noted in a recent NFIB survey, many businesses are finding the eight-week deadline businesses face to spend their PPP loans or be disqualified for loan forgiveness too short of a window.
The RVDA says it supports bipartisan legislation that would change the current eight-week period to 24 weeks. The Senate recently reached bipartisan agreement to change the loan forgiveness period to 16 weeks but has not yet passed a bill.
To build momentum in advance of a Thursday vote, the RVDA has posted a template to its website that its membership can easily fill out and send to their local representatives in Congress. Click here to read more.