RVIA Board Members Announced

Two days after the polls closed for voting on new members to the 2021 RV Industry Association Board of Directors, the final results are in. Official representatives from member companies cast their votes for seven open seats on the board in the coming year, and they included three representatives from a manufacturer, one from a park model manufacturer, one from a supplier and two at-large members.
The RVIA congratulated the following new board members, who will all begin serving their three-year terms on Jan. 1.
Andy Baer, chief operating officer, Tiffin Motor Homes Inc.

Mike Happe, president of Winnebago Industries Inc.

Kevin McArt, general manager, Forest River Inc.

Park Model RV Manufacturer:
Curt Yoder, vice president, Kropf Manufacturing Co. Inc.

Jennifer Sailor, chief financial officer, Tredit Tire and Wheel Co.

April Klein-Carroll, vice president – customer support services, Lippert Components Inc.

Jeff Rutherford, president, Airxcel Inc.

Though their terms don’t begin until 2021, the RVIA said that all newly elected board members are invited to attend and observe its board meeting on Nov. 10. The new 2021 board will hold an organizational meeting immediately following to elect officers for the next year. An orientation session for new board members will be held at a later date.