RVIA Relaunching Political Action Committee

The RV Industry Association is relaunching its political action committee – called RVPAC – to ensure Congress doesn’t take any actions to hinder the ability of RVIA members to conduct their business.
The group is being reinstated after several recent incidents of federal legislative and regulatory successes, it said, adding that it wants to keep the momentum going in a positive direction.
“Corporations are prohibited under federal law from making contributions to candidates for federal elected office. However, U.S. law permits trade and professional associations to create political action committees, and the PAC can solicit and accept contributions from association executives and administrative personnel, as well as association member employees for use in supporting candidates’ campaigns,” RVIA said in a statement. “But we must secure prior authorization from association members before their employees can be solicited.
“Any individual at an RV Industry Association member company who has the ability to grant the authorization to RV PAC can sign the authorization form on behalf of his or her company. Typically, this individual is an owner, CEO, COO, vice president or senior executive. The prior authorization form can be found here.”
RVIA notes that granting prior authorization does not obligate a company or its employees to support RVPAC – it simply gives the association membership permission to communicate in much greater detail about the PAC to certain employees (executives, managers, stockholders and their families) about the role RVPAC plays in advancing and protecting industry interests in Washington, D.C.
For more information, contact RV Industry Association Senior Manager of Government Affairs Samantha Rocci at srocci@rvia.org.