RVIA’s Crawford Joins Indy Customer Advisory Board

Visit Indy has added RV Industry Association’s Liz Crawford to its Customer Advisory Board.
Visit Indy’s CAB assists the Destination Marketing Organization by guiding decisions and providing valuable feedback on how to improve the city and enhance the experience of every planner and visitor coming to the city for events ranging from intimate meetings to large citywide conventions.
Crawford’s knowledge, expertise and experience in the event planning and convention industry, including as senior VP of trade shows and events with RVIA, will help keep Indy racing ahead as USA Today’s “No. 1 Convention City in the U.S.” for years to come.
“I’m very excited about the opportunity to serve in this capacity,” said Crawford. “The folks at Visit Indy are very strategic in their approach to securing and promoting their facilities to the trade show and events community. It will be great to take my experience and lend valuable insights from my perspective – and that of my peers – to this role.”
Crawford has been involved in the trade show industry for more than 25 years, leading shows for major U.S. Show organizers in various industries, as well as business development for international shows and conferences. She joined RVIA in August 2016.
The board position serves a three-year term, with one annual meeting held in Indianapolis each fall. While input in provided year-round via an online communication platform, the in-person meeting fosters collaboration with other industry leaders to identify opportunities for growth for Indy.
Visit Indy’s mission is to increase Indianapolis’ economic growth by strategically selling the destination to conventions, meetings, events, and leisure travelers. According to Rockport Analytics, 28.6 million visitors provide $5.2 billion in total economic impact annually and support 80,600 full-time-equivalent jobs in Central Indiana.