RVIA Slideshow on US Trade Preferences

On Thursday, May 4, the RV Industry Association’s Senior Manager of Government Affairs Samantha Rocci walked webinar participants through the Generalized System of Preferences and why retroactive reauthorization is critical to the industry as a whole.
The RV industry relies on the Generalized System of Preferences, the longest running U.S. trade preference program, to import key product inputs duty-free. Since the program lapsed at the end of 2020, the RV industry has paid an estimated $1.5 million in duties each month.
The most important of these lapsed duty-free goods is Indonesian lauan, a type of thin, strong and moisture-resistant plywood. Lauan is not domestically grown and no domestic substitute exists.
This will be one of the policy asks during the upcoming Advocacy Day during RVs Move America Week June 4-8 in Washington, D.C.
Click here to view the slideshow.