RVIA Touts Membership Benefits, Part Two

The RV Industry Association is the premier organization serving the RV industry, and it annually publishes stories on why it is beneficial to you to pay the fees to belong as a member. Here is part two of that series; if you missed part one you can find that here.
In part one of our two-part series we provided a detailed overview of what makes up the RV Industry Association as a primer for helping members get the most out of their membership. Today, we will detail the specific actions members can take to maximize their membership.
Set Up Your My RVIA account
While there is a lot of information and content that can be accessed without logging in as a member on the RV Industry Association website, a login is required to fully access the tremendous amount of resources, research, and reports. Creating an account is a simple, one-time process that will make registering for events and accessing members-only content a breeze! Directions on how to set up an account can be found here.
Sign Up for The News & Insights Newsletter
The twice-weekly News & Insights Newsletter is the best way to keep tabs on the latest industry trends, new reports, and Association program updates. To sign up for the newsletter, simply fill out the web form at the bottom of this article. In addition to receiving the newsletter on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, you will also receive critical legislative updates on issues impacting the RV industry as well as special member updates.
Participate In Events
Our signature RVs Move America Week takes place in early June in Washington, D.C. and offers all members the opportunity to set the direction of not only the Association but also impact public policies affecting the RV industry.
New in 2023, a Leadership Conference will be held in March that will include two days of leadership keynotes and sessions designed to better connect up-and-coming leaders in all industry segments. Keep an eye out for details this fall.
The RV Aftermarket Conference is a three-day event each August where suppliers and distributors in the RV industry meet to showcase the latest aftermarket products and services while developing strategies to expand their business in the coming year. In addition to these events, the Association hosts regular educational events on topics ranging from standards and compliance to public policy updates and a legal symposium.
Click here to read more about the benefits of RVIA membership.