RVTAA Member Serves as RV Service Resource on JustAnswer

The RV Technician Association of America (RVTAA) today reported one of its members was approved to serve on the JustAnswer platform.
The online Q&A platform offers 24/7 access to more than 12,000 verified professionals in more than 150 categories, such as RV service.

Whenever a consumer asks a question on the JustAnswer website or app, the system matches him or her with someone experienced in that area, then initiates an online chat. Members also have the option of receiving assistance by phone.
Michael LaMar is the first RVTAA member to be formally recognized by JustAnswer as a professional in the area of RV service, according to the RVTAA. A registered RV service technician, he graduated from the National RV Training Academy (NRVTA) in January 2020. LaMar is also a certified RV inspector with the National RV Inspectors Association (NRVIA).
He and his family are full-time RVers. As they travel across the United States, LaMar supports their lifestyle by fixing and inspecting RVs wherever he may be.
“I field about 10 to 12 inquiries a day from JustAnswer,” LaMar said. “Each time there is an inquiry, it appears in my JustAnswer inbox. If I choose to answer the question, then the issue is locked to my profile so I become the only person who can work with the customer on that problem.”
To be vetted for the opportunity, LaMar had to submit copies of his NRVTA graduation certificate, test results and RVTAA membership credentials. Once approved, he became a JustAnswer representative who could work remotely.