RVTI Uses Hershey Show to Recruit

Thousands of consumers attended last week’s 53rd America’s Largest RV Show in Hershey, Pennsylvania, and the RV Technical Institute was there to introduce interested individuals to the RV technician career path.
The show, which featured more than 1,300 RVs from 40 manufacturers, is designed for consumers to shop and compare new RVs, as well as find the latest accessories, upgrades, campgrounds, vacation destination and related products.
The RVTI was there with a booth as part of its Year of Recruitment, which is its goal of attracting 1,000 individuals from outside the RV industry to become RV technicians.
According to RVTI, many who stopped by its booth either wanted to sign up for training themselves or knew someone who would be interested. Some of those were interested because they were retiring and interested in becoming a certified technician to supplement their income.