RV News
RVTI’s Class Schedule for October

The RV Technical Institute (RVTI) has announced the schedule for upcoming technician training classes for October.
The class schedule:
- Level 1: Oct. 21–25; 1 week; In Person; RVTI Campus in Elkhart, Indiana
- Level 1: Oct. 28 – Nov. 1; 1 week; In Person; RVTI Campus in Elkhart
- Level 2: Oct. 28 – Nov. 15; 3 weeks; In Person; RVTI Campus in Elkhart
- Level 2: Oct. 28 – Jan. 17; 12 weeks total (11 weeks online and In Person Jan. 13-17); Hybrid (Online and the RVTI Campus in Elkhart)
RVTI’s technician training program is a hands-on, competency-based program designed by institute staff and subject matter experts from the supplier, manufacturer, dealer and independent technician realms of the RV industry.