RV News

RVWA Board of Directors Applications Now Being Accepted

RV Women's Alliance

The RV Women’s Alliance is currently seeking members to join its board of directors. The board is the governing body of the RV Women’s Alliance and the directors set the strategic direction of the organization. There are currently two board seats available, and applications are being accepted through Wednesday, Sept. 21.

“Serving on the board is a rewarding experience and an opportunity for both personal and professional growth,” said RV Women’s Alliance President Susan Carpenter. “The dedication our board shows to elevating, promoting, and educating the women in our industry is incredible and we are looking to add additional people to help take our organization to the next level.”

The application form will help interested candidates understand the desired skills, time, resources, and commitments required for this leadership position. Applications are used by the RV Women’s Alliance Board’s Nominating Committee to identify and evaluate potential board candidates. All new directors are elected by a majority vote of current board members.

Headquartered in Elkhart, Indiana, RVWA is open to both men and women and currently boasts more than 1,200 members from more than 500 companies.

Click here to apply.

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