RVWA Wants You to Help it Grow

For this week’s “Coffee Lunch and Learn,” The RV Women’s Alliance has decided to turn its discussion inward. Specifically, to its newly approved Strategic Plan and how it can get its membership more involved in order to fulfill the goals in the plan.
As the RVWA said in its invitation to this week’s event: “‘I want to participate, but I just don’t have time!’ Does that sound familiar? You have probably said it at least once in your life or career. Join us this week for a quick word of inspiration on how to ‘make the time’ for the things that can really help you to grow. We think RVWA is one of those places where you want to invest some of your time. We believe that it will make a difference in your life, your career, and your well-being!”
Join the RVWA for its Coffee Lunch and Learn at noon ET, 9 a.m. PT, this Friday, Aug. 21. Click here to register and get the log-in code.