Sika Changes Renames Sikasil Formulation

Sika Corp. recently added Sikasil WS-305 AM into its product offerings, which will replace Sikasil WS-305 CN. It is important to note that this is strictly a name change, as the formulation of both products are the same.
This name change enables Sika to better position Sikasil WS-305 AM for use in the “Americas” as AM indicates that the product is produced in the U.S.
“Sikasil WS-305 AM has the great product and application benefits that customers have become accustomed to utilizing with Sikasil WS-305 CN in all field applications,” said Russ Livermore, VP of marketing for Sika. “This name change enables Sika Corp. to position the use of the product in all of the Americas going forward.”
Sikasil WS-305 AM is a 1C neutral-curing silicone sealant with movement capability and adhesion to a wide range of substrates. The company stated that Sikasil WS-305 AM is ideal for weatherproofing and sealing applications.