Society of Certified RV Professionals Honors 4 Fixed-Ops Employees

Four dealership employees who have maintained their certifications were recognized Monday for their long-term commitment to professionalism in their fields. The recognitions were held during the Society’s evening reception and education session during RVDA’s Convention/Expo.
Dealerships need to showcase their fixed-ops employees to customers during the delivery process, said A World of Training Vice President David Foco, who spoke at the reception. Fixed-ops staffs work hard to train and certify in their fields, and they deserve to be recognized. Foco shared techniques for promoting the dealership’s service, parts, and warranty talent during his presentation.
In addition to plaques, the honorees received leather jackets from Prime Time Manufacturing, products from Northern Wholesale Supply, and baseball caps and polo shirts from Society Chairman Mike Ferkey of Greeneway RV Sales and Service in Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.