Society of Certified RV Professionals Recognizes Recent Grads

The Society of Certified RV Professionals said it is pleased to recognize seven individuals from six participating dealerships who earned a new certification, and one individual that renewed their certification during the third quarter of 2023 through the Mike Molino RV Learning Center Fixed Operations Certification Program.
Participation in the recognition program allows the society to publicize individuals’ certification achievements on the national level. Those participating in the recognition program are a subgroup of the 10 individuals from nine dealerships who earned certification.
“On behalf of the entire RV industry, we congratulate these professionals and their dealerships. These accomplishments are proof of their outstanding commitment to customer service and satisfaction,” said RVDA President Phil Ingrassia. “Not only do they elevate our industry, but on an individual level, each joins an elite group of certified personnel who have successfully met high professional standards.”
Those in the recognition program that earned a new certification are John Aylor (service writer/adviser), Sandra Fitzsimons (warranty administrator), Daniel Wilson (parts specialist), Angel Bragg (parts specialist), Kali Wilson (parts specialist), Christopher Cook (parts specialist) and Jordan Godfrey (parts manager).
Anna Freeman (recertified parts specialist) renewed her certification.
Fixed-ops professionals can earn certification as parts managers, parts specialists, service writers/advisors, service managers, and warranty administrators through the Mike Molino RV Learning Center, which offers online testing, certification and recertification. The center’s credentials were developed by experts at The Ohio State University’s Center for Education and Training for Employment and a team of top-performing, demographically diverse working professionals. Suppliers, distributors, dealer-owners, and manufacturers were also involved in developing the programs. Learn more by clicking here.
The Society of Certified RV Professionals promotes and recognizes certification among employees who work in the RV industry. For more information about the society and to learn how your dealership can participate in the recognition program, visit the RV Learning Center website.