Southco Releases Plastic Version of Torque Hinges

Southco has expanded its line of E6 Constant Torque Hinges with a plastic version designed for use in corrosive environments. Southco’s line of Constant Torque Position Control Hinges provide resistance throughout a range of motion, enabling users to position doors, display screens and other mounted components, and hold them securely at any desired angle, according to the company.
“The plastic E6 Constant Torque Position Control Hinge offers improved corrosion resistance and customized torque options for a wide variety of applications, and eliminates costs associated die cast options or installing additional support components to maintain consistent positioning,” said Todd Schwanger, Southco’s global product manager.
Constructed of plastic and stainless steel, the plastic E6 Constant Torque Position Control Hinge is available with both symmetric and asymmetric torque.
Southco’s line of position-control hinges are available in a variety of torque ranges, sizes and materials.