RV News

Study: RV Market to Reach $36B by 2026

RVs on lot

Global research firm ResearchandMarkets.com has issued a report on the North American RV market, and it finds that by 2026, it’s expected to reach $35.7 billion, after being valued at $26.7 billion in 2020.

“The outbreak of COVID-19 and the subsequent shutdowns have affected the RV industry in almost every country in the region,” the report stated. “The negative impacts of the pandemic are visible in the sales and registration of RVs. Hence, the reduction in production rates due to the pandemic-induced disruptions is expected to hinder the growth of the market during the initial few years of the forecast period.”

North America has more than 370 national chain outlets and local RV dealers, the report said. Meanwhile, the Canadian government is undertaking advertising and messaging to promote its RV industry, just as Go RVing does in the U.S. With more than 4,300 campgrounds across Canada, that’s likely to boost that country’s tourism industry, according to the report.

RV rentals is also a growing part of the industry, the study noted, as the process of renting an RV has gotten easier.


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